New Technological Deal: Senegal as Africa’s Digital Hub

"Positioning Senegal as a leader and catalyst for digital innovation in Africa."

New Technological Deal: Senegal's Digital Transformation

The New Technological Deal, a transformative initiative launched by the Senegalese government, aims to position the country as a digital hub for Africa while emphasizing technological sovereignty and enhancing local skills in digital technologies. This program ensures quality internet access for all and recently saw the President of Senegal visiting Silicon Valley to establish strategic partnerships, highlighting the nation’s commitment to becoming a technology leader on the continent.

Furthermore, many may not realize that Senegal already possesses a significant portion of the resources needed to achieve these ambitious goals under the New Technological Deal. With a strong mix of local infrastructure, a skilled workforce, and a supportive policy environment, Senegal is poised to leverage its strengths. By utilizing existing resources, the country can create sustainable growth, reduce reliance on foreign technology, and build a robust digital ecosystem that benefits all citizens.

In this article, we will explore how local capabilities in infrastructure, talent, and innovation are ready to drive this transformation. We will also highlight the critical role that companies like Baamtu and other local stakeholders can play in realizing this vision.

I. Infrastructure readiness: building technological sovereignty with local resources

Senegal already has the necessary infrastructure to build technological sovereignty—an essential foundation for the New Deal Technologique. For instance, the country boasts a state-owned supercomputer and a datacenter, which provide the tools needed to support a thriving digital ecosystem. These resources are crucial for achieving independence from international technology providers, ensuring that sensitive data remains within national borders.

Currently, many tech actors in Senegal, such as BAAMTU, rely on foreign servers to train AI models and utilize cloud resources for scalable and high-availability environments. However, the availability of local infrastructure presents a significant opportunity to shift this dependency towards homegrown resources. This transition not only supports the government’s vision of technological sovereignty but also aligns with the goals of the New Deal Technologique by helping to reduce costs and mitigate the risks associated with international data services.

Moreover, by leveraging these local assets, Senegal is well-positioned to develop its own digital backbone that serves both the public sector and the private economy. In this context, local companies like BAAMTU, GSIE, TOLBI, and Lengo AI could lead by example, demonstrating that resilient, reliable, and secure digital solutions can be built right here at home. For foreign investors, this infrastructure signals readiness, indicating that Senegal is prepared to support large-scale digital projects and provide a stable environment for technological growth.

II.New Technological Deal: Local talent competence leveraging world-class expertise to drive digital transformation

The success of any digital transformation depends not only on infrastructure but also on the skills and expertise available.

Fortunately, Senegal is rich in talented professionals who have been trained and gained recognition for their capabilities in data, AI, and emerging technologies.

As a result, companies like BAAMTU, TOLBI, LAFRICAMOBILE, and SENUM have cultivated teams that excel not only locally but also gain recognition across the sub-region and internationally.

For instance, BAAMTU has been providing data engineering, data analysis, and artificial intelligence consulting services to companies in markets such as France, Nigeria, and Ghana. This cross-border engagement serves as proof that the talent cultivated in Senegal is on par with international standards. Indeed, such expertise is not only in high demand but also plays a pivotal role in advancing the digitalization of public administration and supporting the broader vision of the New Deal Technologique.

Moreover, several local professionals have developed high-performing AI models and customized open-source AI solutions tailored to meet specific needs across different sectors. This means that the expertise required to effectively use these technologies and accelerate the digitalization of the public sector is already present.

By investing in and supporting these local talents, we can ensure that Senegal’s digital transformation is driven by skilled experts from within, fostering a sustainable, inclusive, and innovative economy.

For investors, this is a critical point to consider: Senegal is not starting from scratch. Instead, it is building upon a solid foundation of skilled professionals who are ready to contribute to ambitious projects. Consequently, the ability to tap into this local talent pool significantly reduces the challenges and risks often associated with developing digital capabilities in emerging markets.

III. New Technological Deal: Ensuring quality internet access for all in Senegal 

A core pillar of the New Deal Technologique is , indeed , ensuring that every citizen in Senegal has access to quality, affordable internet. Moreover reliable internet connectivity is not only essential for individuals to participate in the digital economy. It also lays the groundwork for inclusive public services and the broader digital transformation of the nation, aligning perfectly with the objectives of the New Deal Technologique.

Companies such as Orange, Free, ARC, and HAYO are actively working to improve internet access throughout the country, including the most remote and underserved areas.

However, it is important to emphasize that internet access is not an end in itself but rather a powerful tool that serves other objectives. 

Consequently,  the utility of high-speed internet is greatly diminished if citizens—particularly those in areas far from administrative centers—do not have easy access to the public services they need. To truly unlock the potential of the internet, it is therefore critical to integrate innovative solutions that can enhance how citizens interact with digital platforms.

For instance, the integration of natural language processing (NLP) technologies into public digital applications can revolutionize the citizen experience by making these services more accessible and user-friendly. BAAMTU has already developed.

Kàllaama, an NLP solution that provides text-to-speech, translation, and automatic speech recognition for both local and foreign languages. 

Furthermore, solutions like Kàllaama can help bridge communication gaps. This technology allows citizens who are not fluent in official languages to interact effectively with public services. As a result, it extends the reach of these services to everyone, regardless of location or language proficiency.

This kind of integration not only makes digital services more inclusive but also ensures that all citizens can fully benefit from technological advancements. By making internet connectivity more meaningful, Senegal can build a society where everyone, regardless of their geographic location, has the opportunity to engage with the digital world and access essential services.

IV. New Technological Deal: Fostering innovation through legislation

A crucial element for creating a thriving digital economy is the presence of a supportive legislative framework that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and protects both citizens and businesses. In Senegal, the government has already laid down important legal foundations to ensure that the country is ready to embrace the digital age, creating an environment where innovation can flourish.

The data protection law of 2008 was an early and critical step in ensuring that individuals’ rights are protected in the digital space, providing confidence to both citizens and businesses that their data will be handled responsibly. This legislation is vital as the nation expands its digital services and builds technological sovereignty. The trust that this law creates is an essential factor for both local and international companies looking to invest in digital initiatives.

In addition, the Startup Act, introduced to provide incentives for new tech businesses, is a landmark piece of legislation that directly supports the growth of innovative companies. This act offers a range of benefits—from tax breaks to simplified administrative processes—making it easier for startups to establish themselves and grow. By reducing the bureaucratic burden on entrepreneurs, this act has already begun fostering an environment where technology startups can thrive, helping create the kind of innovation ecosystem that the New Deal Technologique envisions.

Furthermore, the national strategy for cybersecurity, which includes a comprehensive roadmap to strengthen the legal and institutional framework for cybersecurity in Senegal, ensures that as the country advances technologically, it does so in a secure and resilient manner. By addressing potential risks upfront and establishing clear guidelines, this roadmap helps mitigate the vulnerabilities that come with digital transformation, making Senegal a safer place for both businesses and citizens to engage in the digital space.

These legislative measures collectively provide the groundwork necessary to support a thriving technology sector. They create an environment of trust, simplicity, and security—all key elements that any investor or tech entrepreneur looks for in an emerging market.

Join us in driving Senegal’s digital future through the New Technological Deal

Senegal is currently at a pivotal moment in its digital transformation journey. With the New Deal Technologique, the country has laid the foundation for becoming a digital hub for Africa, with robust local infrastructure, a skilled talent pool, and a focus on ensuring inclusive internet access for all citizens.  Moreover the vision is clear, and the groundwork has already been established. Now, it’s time to build on these strengths and accelerate the transformation.

For investors, this is an invitation to join us in creating sustainable, scalable growth through meaningful investments in a market that is ready for change. At BAAMTU, we have been at the forefront of driving digital transformation in Senegal and beyond. Furthermore , we have successfully collaborated with major investors such as IFC, Partech, Mobility54, and Orange Ventures, conducting tech due diligence and offering strategic support for investments in technology-driven initiatives.

Additionally, we believe that the next step for Senegal, in line with the principles of the New Deal Technologique, is to fully harness its local resources—its infrastructure, talent, and innovation capacity. This will enable the delivery of digital solutions that benefit everyone, from urban centers to remote areas.

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